
How Can I Know who See My Profile On Facebook

Today I am going to teach you "Just how to find out who sees your facebook profile without use any type of 3rd event web sites or apps"
lets Started.

Remember that this tuts deals with 'Google Chrome'. so if you do not have it installed in your PC then download it.

How Can I Know Who See My Profile On Facebook

Who Sees My Facebook

Right here are minority steps that you need to follow--.

Adhere to these actions as well as you can discover which people see your account one of the most in mathematical order.

Step 1- Open up Google Chrome as well as visit to Facebook. Right click anywhere on your profile as well as click "View page source" or merely press "ctrl + U" via key-board.

Step 2- Press Ctrl+ F as well as kind "initialchatFriendsList".

You will now see several Account ID numbers in quotation marks, the very first one will certainly be the user who sees your account the most. The second ID number views your profile the second most, and so forth.

see instance in below figure:.

Who Sees My Facebook

Step 3- Enter the adress bar "http://www.facebook.com/PROFILE_ID".
( in the above link, modification PROFILE_ID to 1st id that is detailed when you searched for "InitialChatFriendsList" in step-2).

you will certainly after that be rerouted to the account of the person who sees your account the most.