
How to Add All Friends to A Facebook event Update 2019

Ever before wondered exactly how you can invite all your friends to such as an event on Facebook? How To Add All Friends To A Facebook Event: Suppose you're organizing a massive Project X as well as wish to invite everybody you know to your Facebook event?

Today I'll reveal you a scenario where you can invite all your friends.

How To Add All Friends To A Facebook Event<br/>

How To Add All Friends To A Facebook Event

I know a lot of you requested I update the steps for 2019, so here they are.

Facebook event Invite Code

Code to invite all friends to a Facebook event at the same time

Once more, use Google Chrome to achieve this.

- Go to your Facebook event page
- Click on "Share" > "invite friends"
- Scroll to the really bottom of that list that simply appeared.
- Type "javascript:" right into the address bar. (Notice the semicolon after javascript, no quotes).
- Paste the invite all to event code listed below right after "javascript:".
- Wait a couple of seconds and afterwards hit Send out Invites. Voilà! All your Facebook friends are welcomed to your event.

PS: I tried this and also it functioned, however if for some reason it doesn't for you, just let me know, I'll upgrade the script.

Note: You can only invite as much as 500 people per day to an event. (I do not find out about you however 500 people need to be enough for all your event needs, unless you are truly tossing that Task X event, in which case, you ought to likewise invite me).