
Connecting Facebook Page to Twitter New 2019

Connecting Facebook Page To Twitter - You can link Facebook to Twitter The benefit of doing so is that when you post on one platform, it will instantly be published on another. It saves your time as well as makes you stay active on both social media sites networks. Like to do it? Then, without more trouble, allow's see the steps to link accounts.

Connecting Facebook Page To Twitter<br/>

Connecting Facebook Page To Twitter

Go to facebook.com/twitter and also click on the "link to twitter" button. You can link your personal profile (at the top) and/or any one of your Facebook pages all from this page.

Connecting Facebook Page To Twitter<br/>

Note: you must be logged in to the Twitter account you are trying to link.

From there it will certainly take you to a punctual to Authorize Facebook to use your account. If you are not logged in, you will certainly need to enter your Twitter username as well as password first.

Connecting Facebook Page To Twitter<br/>

When you click "Authorize" it will certainly redirect you back to Facebook where you see the adhering to display and also can pick what kind of web content you wish to share by clicking on packages.

Connecting Facebook Page To Twitter<br/>

Here you can decide how much details you want to share with Twitter then click "save changes" and you're good to go! Now you'll have the ability to simply post a standing update in Facebook that will save you from needing to login to both services and post two separate updates.

Note: given that Twitter has a 140 character limit, it will automatically truncate your post with an immediately developed short URL (Example fb.me/ XYC) that will certainly link back to the original post on Facebook.

Just How to Unlink Twitter from Facebook

Keep in mind that you additionally have the choice of downfall this link at anytime by going to facebook.com/twitter. This is not an application by a third-party, however the official Facebook/ Twitter combination. On this page, just choose the "unlink from Twitter" link next to the Twitter accounts you no longer dream to have actually connected with their respective Facebook pages. Incidentally, you can also access this connection from within Twitter.

Linking Your Tweets to Facebook

Additionally, you can post your Tweets to your Facebook page by going to twitter.com/settings/applications nevertheless as of June 2015 when we last inspected, this function is experiencing technological issues. There have been some remarks below from our viewers on their initial hand experience and efforts to link them, nonetheless we'll make certain to upgrade this post when the problem is officially repaired and functioning once more.