
When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account

If you've been wondering When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account, we've obtained you. Although to many people, doing something like deleting your Facebook account would certainly be viewed as cursing, there's loads of reasons why someone chooses to do it.

When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account.

Maybe they have actually determined to join some type of hippy cult and also be one with nature, possibly they're going through a mid-life dilemma, or maybe there simply fed up with all the bullshit that goes along with it. If you intend to take a break from social media as well as actually get some real-life interaction, here's a step-by-step overview on how you can deactivate your Facebook page.

Disclaimer: this will certainly just deactivate your account not delete it, so you could always re-activate it if you want to.

1. Mosey on over to Facebook.

2. Click the account tab on the top right corner of your page.

3. Select Setups.

4. Click Protection in the left column.

5. Select deactivate my account and follow the steps to validate.

If you do choose to deactivate your account, your web page will not be searchable or visible to individuals still on Facebook. If you wish to return to the dark side, all you have to do is sign in with your e-mail and password-- simples.